Here are the top 10 greenest cryptocurrencies to buy as investors shift to more sustainable types of trade.

There has been a slew of disturbing disclosures recently regarding the impact of cryptocurrencies on the environment. Cryptocurrency has the potential to change the face of global banking and the economy. However, due to the negative influence of cryptocurrencies on the environment, some investors are hesitant to engage in the crypto market. According to reports, the Bitcoin mining business as a whole has a carbon impact. The impact of cryptocurrencies on the environment includes massive energy usage and electrical trash. However, not all cryptocurrencies have the same resource model. Investors are increasingly opting for deals that are more environmentally friendly. The top ten greenest cryptocurrencies to purchase and hold in March 2022 are listed in this article.

1. SolarCoin

SolarCoin is a decentralized and global cryptocurrency. But it is unlike any other cryptos. SolarCoin has made an enormous difference by being one of the best and most trusted cryptocurrencies which are also sustainable. This cryptocurrency aims to create 1 SolarCoin for every Megawatt hour generated from solar technology.

2. Algorand

In April 2021, Algorand declared its blockchain to be completely carbon-neutral. This crypto has also fostered a partnership with Climate Trade, an organization dedicated to helping companies improve their sustainability profiles.

3. BitGreen

BitGreen was created as a response to Bitcoin, considering the environmental impact it has. It is a 100% community-run project and uses an energy-efficient proof-of-work algorithm. The company was founded in 2017 and has created a non-profit organization to oversee and handle the BitGreen project.

4. Chia

Chia, which was created by Bram Cohen of BitTorrent, can be mined on Amazon Web Services cloud computing platform. It puts a user’s desktop to use by offering downloadable software that allows users to earn Chia tokens by running the decentralized platform on their hard drives.

5. Stellar

Stellar is overseen by Stellar Development Foundation and the network was released in 2014. It enables a faster and cost-effective mode of transaction and is considered a strong alternative for transaction applications like PayPal. Stellar is environment-friendly and uses a consensus protocol, which is even better than the proof-of-stake algorithm.

6. Tronix

Tronix, the TRON currency, is pre-mined and can be traded on Binance and other exchanges. TRON’s future intentions include using it to construct decentralized gaming platforms. TRON’s decentralized governance is built on a two-tier architecture of Super Representatives (SR) and Super Representative Partners, each of whom is responsible for becoming an SR and voting for SRs.


IOTA is a cryptocurrency that does not use a blockchain. Instead, this crypto relies on a cryptography-based verification mechanism known as Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). This allows transactions and verifications to run in parallel in real-time.

8. Cardano

Cardano employs a consensus process in which participants in the currency acquire tokens to join the network, making it naturally more energy-efficient than Bitcoin. This helps conserve a stunning amount of energy, according to Cardano’s creator, who claims that the cryptocurrency network uses just 6 GWh.

9. Nano

Nano makes use of energy-saving block-lattice technology. Although it still uses a Proof of Work technique, the block-lattice goes beyond blockchain to construct an account chain for each network member. The Nano platform employs a technique known as Open Representative Voting (ORV), in which account holders vote for a representative, who then works to confirm blocks of transactions in a safe manner.


According to DEVVIO’s creators, the DEVVIO network consumes one-millionth the amount of the energy used by Bitcoin and emits much less environmental gases. It was created with the goal of lowering energy use and becoming a “greener” cryptocurrency. The creators’ dedication to building DEVITO as a blockchain ecosystem capable of supporting multi-party collaboration and trust among stakeholders working in the field of environment and sustainability demonstrates this.

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